Rethinking Our Way of Living: A Sustainable Future

In today’s era, most of us are running after high-profile, high-paying jobs, to secure our future, and spend most of our time with the same routine until we retire.

I need you to rethink: Whom are we earning and saving for?

Most of the answers will sum up to: for our future or our kids.

But where does our future lie?

Talking about the future of India, I don’t see any. It is harsh but true. The way our agricultural practices and the way of living have been degraded over the last few decades has left us nothing but polluted water, polluted air, and food enlaced with chemical preservatives and fertilizers.

A book written in 1940 #theagriculturaltestament, by #Sir Albert Howard, an American Scientist who came to India in the late 1930s to improve Indian agriculture, unveils how he was amazed by the agriculture practices followed here, and stated that he came to improve it but learned so much from here.

#Later, while there was food scarcity after the wars in the 1940s, the agriculture minister (the first one), #KM Munshi, worked out a detailed strategy for rebuilding and regenerating the ecological base of productivity in the agricultural sector. He understood, that the cruelty of war has adversely affected our soils and water, and therefore instructed through the policies to study the life cycle in village nutritional and hydrological aspects and find out where the cycle is been disturbed. Restore it. And asked to have faith in ourselves.

#Mahatma Gandhi, on June 10, 1947, stated that we should grow vegetables on our own house lands (even in small areas) and have cattle in our own households to fight the scarcity of food.

These solutions were based on the ideals of strengthening Indian agriculture and self-reliance. But at the same time, there was research going on in America, which was more towards CONQUESTING the green revolution.  Which started to take its roots in the 1960s, I assume it was when my parents were kids. #Violenceofthegreenrevolution, a book by #VandanaShiva pens down the truth of how it moved forward step by step from testing the first semi dwarfs’ variety of rice in India to introducing chemical fertilizers and preservatives.

I was talking to my father-in-law, who is a retired Director of Agriculture from Rajasthan State Govt. about it, and he told me that when he was a student in agriculture university, #Jobner, he heard from his senior who was working by then in agriculture environment, that they were advised to put UREA in the farms at night when farmers can’t see it. Because they were reluctant to try this at that time. And it was a disastrous trial.

This revolution did increase the production of crops in India but left the soil #unfertile and the water #polluted.

I can see the effect on the generation born now in our country. Did you ever hear of the numerous #allergies that the kids of our generation have? The diseases and digestion that our kids have? All because of these environmental changes, now foresee what is the future of our kids. What will they do with all the wealth we are going to leave for them if they can’t breathe pure and drink safely?

Remember, all this happened in just the last few decades. In the era of our parents. And it is the right time we should start to give back to the environment, to adverse the negative effects on climate.

Earning money is good, but making the future safe for our kids is also our responsibility.

It needs simple steps, giving at least a day of a month to the environment. #Volunteer to #educate #farmers about the benefits of regenerative and organic farming. Take your kids to #farms on vacation to support them rather than just going on a leisure vacation, it will be both nature-friendly and pocket-friendly, and trust me they will come out more knowledgeable. Help farmers!


Fact check: A study from Northeastern University and nonprofit research organization The Organic Center (TOC), though, has reached a different conclusion: Soils from organic farms had 26 percent more potential for long-term carbon storage than soils from conventional farms, along with 13 percent more soil organic matter (SOM).

A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition in 2014 showed that organic milk and meat contain around 50% more beneficial omega-3 fatty acids than non-organic. These nutritional differences also apply to organic dairies like butter, cream, cheese, and yogurt. Organic meat had slightly lower concentrations of two saturated fats and organic milk and dairy were found to contain slightly higher concentrations of iron, Vitamin E, and some carotenoids.

Organically produced crops (cereals, fruit, and vegetables) were found with up to 68% more antioxidants than non-organic, whilst organic fruit and veg contained lower concentrations of pesticides and the toxic heavy metal cadmium.

As we strive to make informed dietary choices, this study encourages us to prioritize organic options, not only for their potential health benefits but also for their positive impact on our overall well-being and the environment around us.

Stay outdoors, near the nature, stay organic, stay healthy!

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